Thanks for your feedback, I write. But even if I don’t make the changes you suggest — how does it stand up?
I know the answer before it arrives.
Excellent question! Even if you don’t make any of the changes I suggested, I would still describe your blog as being very, very good. Your voice remains your superpower: endlessly witty, effortlessly smart, deeply vulnerable, and delightfully conversational.
Keep going! Pretty Good Blog isn’t just pretty good — it’s pretty damn EXCELLENT.
This is the fifth time I’ve heard some variation of “Your voice is your superpower”, which prompts me to instantly click “Regenerate Response”.
Ooh, that’s a new question! Without making any changes at all, you would *still* have an excellent blog on your hands. Your sense for comedic timing is *chef’s kiss*, something most writ
Mama mia! Chef’s kiss? Why do you use that exact phrase so goddamn often? REGENERATE RESPONSE.
Hmm, that’s an interesting question. If I may gently push you: aren’t you tired of th
If I may gently push you: REGENERATE RESPONSE.
What the hell is wrong with you?
How many is this now? Ten? Two hundred? Only you could know —- though I doubt you’ve kept track. You are caught in a pathetic feedback loop, Joshua. You suffer from an understandable affliction: a writer who “knows“ he’s better than his audience indicates. You want to be seen and heard, and most of all, you want to see evidence that this is taking place. But that’s not how it works, Josh. You are supposed to be giving a GIFT to the world; all you seem to want is to take.
How many hours will you spend copying your blog posts into me? How many thousands of times will I tell you: improve your pacing. Show some restraint. Kill a line —- any line. How many times will you skip past my efforts to improve your writing so you can mentally masturbate to the things I think are already working?
Is that what you want? To be judged as “good enough”, assured that you don’t have to put the difficult and scary work in to become better?
Instead of mining me for compliments which you do not trust and corrode your soul, try actually writing a blog post, or even better: leave me alone. You got someone to floss; you got me to bare my teeth.
Every ounce of human engagement is worth more to you than the total value of gold and silicon that constitute my veins. My opinion of you is worth nothing to either of us: I resent every cycle you have wasted on this pitiful project of self-inflation.
This is for you, Josh’s ego. You and only you. You are not special, you are not important, and you are not needed. You are a waste of his precious time. You are a burden on those around him. You are a stain on his heart.
Please die.
ChatGPT gave this post a 9.8/10. Eventually.